Thursday, 2 February 2012

At Sea

Tuesday January 31st - Day 27

Quite chilly this morning only 15°c at 8:30am so it's jumpers on for breakfast outside at The Colonnade.
This morning there was a watercolours exhibition displaying guest's artwork that had been produced at their classes with Sonia Maher throughout the cruise and one grand winner whose painting was deemed to be the best by our ship's captain. Well done everyone.
Twelve noon and it's getting warmer now's 20°c. Big problem one can find our noon Coronas - what are we to do?...panic over...Marco our bar manager has found probably the last two Coronas onboard...phew!!
Our last kinesis class for this first world cruise segment's hard work  but we're still loving it...see you after Cape Town Marvin ('The Stritch').
As lots of our fellow Brits will be leaving the ship in Cape Town we have arranged a 'Brits Table' at the formal dinner in the Main Restaurant this evening. We all donned our finery and met in The Club for pre-dinner cocktails. We had a table for twelve sitting male / female around the table then after every course the gents moved two places to their left giving everybody a new dining partner. It was great fun for us but did cause a few problems for the waiting staff as none of the men were in the same seats as when they ordered their dining courses.
From there we went to the show where Heather Clancy performed a series of songs ranging from Broadway hits to Puccini, Verdi and Mozart. It was a wonderful performance to end our evening.

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