Sunday, 15 January 2012

At Sea Off The Coast Of South America

Friday January 13th - Day 9
Caught the sun yesterday so being careful today - spent the morning in the Square reading the Daily Mail, coffee (no Danish today - being good!!) and also had a long chat with Murat the Guest Services Manager.
Vance is already talking about cruising on The Quest next January so he went to see Lindsay the future cruise sales manager and has a price for the first two segments next year which will start in Fort Lauderdale on January 6th, cruise through the Caribbean to the Pacific ocean via the Panama Canal then visit several islands in the Pacific on route to Sydney. We are supposed to visit Rarotonga which we should have visited last year but due to bad weather we never made it. I won't hold my breath in anticipation of ever seeing that island.
The ship then sails up the east coast of Oz to Cairns and Thursday Island before crossing to several islands in Indonesia finally arriving in Hong Kong on March 9th. So another possible 61 days cruise for us.
Formal night tonight so we reserved a lovely table for six guests in the "high ceilings" area which is located in the very centre of the restaurant where we were joined by four friends. Thanks to Andre the Maitre d' for sorting it out for us.
Open mike joke night in The Observation Bar after dinner at 11pm. It was advertised with a disclaimer saying 'If you are easily offended please avoid this lounge for 45 minutes as we cannot edit what happens here tonight' was definitely good advice. It was such fun I laughed and laughed. Vance's contribution was two brilliant jokes, well received despite being a little risqué.
In bed by just after we are not up at 7:00am...zzzzzzzzz
Techie bits again. At 8am this morning we were:
 0° north / south and 43° west
Travelling on a compass course of 119°
Speed = 17 knots
Wind speed = 28 knots from the north east
Air temperature = 27°c (81°f)
Total nautical miles sailed = 2707
Sea depth = 3340 metres

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