Saturday, 21 January 2012

Salvador de Bahia

Tuesday January 17th - Day 13

Arrived at 8am in Salvador where the temperature was already in the high seventies...just like home!!...not.
Salvador was the first colonial capital of Brazil and one of the oldest in the Americas and is now the third most populous Brazilian city after Sao Paulo and Rio. A notable feature is the escarpment that divides the town into the upper town and the lower  town. The former being nearly 280 feet above the latter and an elevator know as the 'Elevador Lacerda' -an Art Nouveau building has connected the two sections since 1928 and is one of the greatest landmarks of Salvador. The elevator trip only cost 15 cents per person each way....a real bargain.

We did our own thing again today as opposed to an organised tour taking the elevator to the upper town where the view to the harbour area below was amazing. We strolled through the old cobbled streets viewing the beautiful  baroque buildings on our way to the main square with its churches and the cathedral which was rather austere on the outside but stunning inside with the walls and ceiling of the sacristy adorned with flash photography was allowed so no photos to show you how beautiful it is.
Some local women dressed in their national dress asked if we'd like a photograph with them...of course after the photo was taken their hands were soon out for some money...a typical tourist rip off!!....and we got caught!!
We bought a few local souvenirs and I bought a panama style hat that can be folded or rolled up small...saves on the packing. Vance bargained the vendor down from 20 to 10 reais - just under £4. The temperature was now in the high eighties so we made our way back down to the harbour and the ship ready for a cooling noon time ... yes you've guessed it ... beer.

We enjoyed Brazilian cocktails and canapés with live music on deck for the 5:30pm sail away.  Later this evening after the Brazilian themed dinner in the Colonnade there will be a samba party out on deck but I'll tell you about that tomorrow.


  1. Love getting caught by the costume folks! Since you paid for them, may we see the photos!,

    What were the Brazilian hors douevers?

    Enjoying the blog!

  2. Read this and jumped over the photos! It was worth the money to see the photos!

    You really do a fabulous job! Each photo is excellent!

  3. josephone.....glad you are enjoying the blog...yes, if you click the "click here for more photos" link it will take you to the photo show, then just click on the first thumbnail photo and the photo show will start.
